Tečaji jadranja za odrasle (regatno in počitniško jadranje)
Naša šola jadranja je izjemno učinkovita in temelji na unikatni poučevalni metodi – tematiko in naloge si najprej ogledamo na majhnem modelu jadrnice, ki smo ga izdelali prav za ta namen in nato isto ponovimo še na morju, kjer naši tečajniki dobesedno držijo vse vrvi v svojih rokah.
Kopenski del poteka v prijetnem ambientu specializirane jadralske trgovine Sailing Point v Luciji, od koder nas do barčice loči le nekaj korakov.
Izvajamo vse od začetnih do regatnih tečajev in vas lepo vabimo v svoje vrste.
Sailing courses for adults (regatta sailing and holiday sailing)
Do you know, that since we have started with sailing school for adults, we have hosted more foreign guests than our local?
We have grown the reputation of being extremely efficient as we are practicing our unique teaching technique using a small sailboat for explaining the physics around sailing with great teachers, all former or still active professional sailors loving to be involved in sailing in all possible ways.
We have grown the reputation of being extremely efficient as we are practicing our unique teaching technique using a small sailboat for explaining the physics around sailing with great teachers, all former or still active professional sailors loving to be involved in sailing in all possible ways.
Join us in the lovely ambient of the only Slovene specialized sailing store Sailing Point in Lucija and on the water in the Portorož Bay.
Whether a racing sailor or a holiday sailor, we hold the magic stick to it all!