
Švicarja Claude Mermod in Ruedi Moser prva premagala Angleže

Swiss Claude Mermod and Ruedi Moser first to beat the Brits

Po današnjem drugem dnevu svetovnega prvenstva se je končno izkazalo, da šala, ki zadnje dni kroži med jadralci na nedavno končanem evropskem in pravkar začetem svetovnem – “zakaj so se Angleži odločili organizirati svoje državno prvenstvo v Sloveniji” – ni nič več kot zgolj šala. V drugem današnjem plovu so namreč morali priznati premoč švicarski ekipi Clauda Mermoda in Ruedija Moserja.

Še en dan nestabilnega vetra in težkih razmer je za jadralci, ki so odjadrali dva plova. V prvem sta prvo bojo kot prva obrnila slovenska jadralca Marko Kocjančič in Aljaž Jadek, ki pa sta do konca žal izgubila nekaj mest in končala na še vedno odličnem šestem mestu.

Druga regata se je začela po enournem čakanju, da se je veter dovolj stabiliziral. Dva OCS-a je zapisal regatni odbor; eden je pripadel posadki Kocjančič-Jadek, ki bi sicer vpisala še en odličen rezultat, četrto mesto, drugi pa štirikratnima svetovnima prvakoma in vodilnima po včerajšnjem prvem dnevu, Britancema Chipsu Howarthu in Vyvu Townendu, ki sta imela penal tudi na prvem startu in tako padla na skupno 23. mesto. Vseeno, gre za izkušeno posadko in pred nami je še veliko jadranja, zato zagotovo še nista rekla zadnje besede.

Claude Mermod and Ruedi Moser: “Dober občutek je zmagati regato in žal nama je, da sva morala zaradi kazni oddelati obrat za 720 stopinj na prvem startu. Drug start je bil dober, veter naju je lepo dvigoval, na prvo bojo sva sicer prišla za slovensko posadko, potem pa je veter nekoliko padel, na drugi boji smo se jadralci zgostili in uspelo se nama je prebiti naprej. Potem sva le še kontrolirala floto in zmagala z veliko prednostjo. Prvenstvo bi rada zaključila med najboljšimi desetimi in res sva si želela zmagati vsaj eno regato, kar nama je danes uspelo. Prvenstvo je odlično organizirano in zelo se veseliva nadaljevanja.”

Marko Kocjančič in Aljaž Jadek: “Po dobrem startu sva v prvi orci svadobro ocenjevala zasuke vetra in se uspela prebiti na prvo mesto do prve boje, v nadalevanju pa so nama najine lastne napake zbijale mesta. Sama sva kriva, da sva v prvi regati padla na šesto mesto, v drugi pa na četrto. V drugi regati sva startala tudi nekoliko prezgodaj, na žalost je organizator to opazil in nama prisodil OCS. Angleži so dobra konkurenca, Švicarju je uspelo drugo regato zmagati. Gremo naprej, prvenstvo je še dolgo. Midva nisva veliko trenirala v močnem vetru, če bo jutrišnja burja kmalu padla, nama bodo ti pogoji bolj naklonjeni. Z OCS-i ne moreva biti dobra.”

Finally, after today’s races it doesn’t look like Portorož is hosting the British Nationals any longer! Wind conditions were again on their lowest end, not picking up more than 10 knots and dropping to around five, with huge wind shifts. It was one of them, responsible for the general recall of the first today’s race. The second start was quite exciting, with lots of forbidden body-pumping and jury proved to be efficient. Slovenian crew Marko Kocjančič and Aljaž Jadek were the first to round the upwind mark, but lost some places until the end of the race and finished sixth after GBR Ian Dobson and Ben Ainsworth. European champions, GBR Matt Burge and Richard Wagstaff were second and GBR Dave Wade and Tim Hartley came in as third.

Huge wind shifts postponed a start of the second race for almost an hour. Unfortunately there were two crews over the course line, Slovenians Marko Kocjančič and Aljaž Jadek, who sailed a very good second race and would, without the OCS, finish fourth, and the leaders from day one Chips Howarth and Vyv Townend, who would without the OCS finish fifth. It’s been a bad day for the four times world champions today, since they’ve had a collision just after the first start and had to clear a penalty. Anyway, these are still early days of this championship and we’re pretty sure the two experienced sailors haven’t said their last word yet. The win of the second race went to a non-British boat, Swiss Claude Mermod and Ruedi Moser, GBR Alan Krailing and Tim Linsell finished second and GBR Ian Dobson and Ben Ainsworth as third.

There are new names in the lead after four races: Christian Birrell and Sam Brearey hold first with 17 points from Alan Krailing and Tim Linsell (23 points) and Tom Gillard with Simon Potts on third with 24 points.

Claude Mermod and Ruedi Moser: »It’s great to win the race and it’s too bad that we had to do the 720 in the first race due to a penalty. We had a very good start of the second race, a good lift in a first leg and were second on the top mark behind the Slovenian boat. The second reach slowed the whole fleet down, so the whole pack was there together at the leeward mark, then we got some good shifts and could control the other boats. We won with a big lead, safely. We hope the wind will last and grow stronger in the following days. So far the organisation is great and we’re looking forward to more racing. We’d like to finish this Worlds in top ten and I wanted to win one race, at least, and it worked!«

Marko Kocjančič and Aljaž Jadek: »We had a good first start, worked the shifts well and rounded the first mark as first. After that they were only our mistakes that cost us places. We dropped to sixth in a first race and to fourth in the second. Unfortunately we were a bit too fast on the second start, the jury saw us and we earned the OCS. The British sailors are very good competition, but this is just a beginning of this championship and everything is still possible. We haven’t been training a lot in heavy winds, so we hope for lighter conditions in the future races. Anyway, we can’t be good with the OCS’s.”

Please check for the official results later tonight.
