
Matt Burge in Richard Wagstaff še utrdila vodstvo

Matt Burge and Richard Wagstaff lead the fleet

Današnji drugi regatni dan se je začel sončno, vendar brez vetra. Vreme se je odkupilo popoldne, ko so jadralci v toplem in sončnem vremenu ter vetru okoli 7 vozlov odjadrali edini današnji plov; regatni odbor je sicer želel izpeljati še enega, a je bil veter prešibek in preveč nestabilen. Tudi danes so bili premočni Angleži, med prvimi petimi posadkami v cilju so bile kar štiri; prva sta ciljno črto prejadrala svetovna prvaka 2011 Matt Burge in Richard Wagstaff, druga sta bila Matt Rainback in Simon Foskett in tretja Ian Dobson ter Robert Gullan. Prvenstva se udeležujeta tudi štirikratna svetovna prvaka Chips Howarth in Vyv Townend (v letih 2003, 2005, 2009 in 2010), ki sta včeraj zaključila na petem, danes pa na šestem mestu in sta trenutno skupno peta. Najboljša slovenska posadka Eva Peternelj in Valentina Baruca se je uvrstila na 23. mesto.

Po dveh dneh je tako v vodstvu sedem angleških posadk. Prva sta Matt Burge in Richard Wagstaff (2 točki), na drugem mestu sta Tom Gillard in Simon Potts (10 točk) in tretja Christian Birrell in Sam Brearey (11 točk). Najvišje uvrščena slovenska posadka sta Eva Peternelj in Valentina Baruca na skupnem 22. mestu (49 točk).


After a lazy morning, spent waiting for the breeze, a nice and sunny day offered us a really exciting sailing afternoon. Around 7 knots of wind was just enough to set the course for the only today’s race. It would be all about the Brits, if Czech Eva Skorepova and Roman Roček didn’t come in as fourth. 2011 World Champions Matt Burge and Richard Wagstaff stay unbeatable, followed by Matt Rainback and Simon Foskett, Ian Dobson and Robert Gullan as third and Dave Wade with Tim Hartley on fifth. Four times world champions Chips Howarth and Vyv Townend (in 2003, 2005, 2009 and 2010) scored 5th and 6th and hold fifth. The best Slovenian crew today were our lovely girls Eva Peternelj and Valentina Baruca on 23th.
After two racing days Matt Burge and Richard Wagstaff lead the fleet with only 2 points, Tom Gillard and Simon Potts hold second with ten points and Christian Birrell and Sam Brearey are third with eleven.
Please, find some nice photos of today’s race on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.590875780975882.1073741833.140423476021117&type=1 and picasa https://picasaweb.google.com/112549331196089697661/Day2Race1
