
Trojna zmaga prve regate pripadla Britancem

First race belongs to Brits

Dolg in naporen prvi regatni dan je za jadralci evropskega prvenstva razreda fireball v Portorožu. Deževno dopoldne je minilo v znamenju čakanja in v upanju, da bo vremenska napoved našega meteorologa Jureta Jermana držala – in je! Zgodaj popoldne je dež ponehal in flota se je, očitno zelo željna pravega regatnega jadranja, odpravila na vodo. Prvi štart je bil razveljavljen, saj je preveč jadralcev prehitelo sodniški signal. Podobno je bilo na drugem startu, ki se je sicer odvil na črno zastavo. Tudi tretji poskus je bil neuspešen, uspelo je šele v četrto, a z dvema BFD – in žal med njima tudi enim slovenskim, posadke Flis-Jurič. Ob startu je bilo na polju 10-12 vozlov S-SV vetra, ki je med regato počasi padal. Kar trojna zmaga prvega (in edinega današnjega) plova je pripadla Britancem, prva sta ciljno črto prečkala Matt Burge in Richard Wagstaff, druga Christian Birrell in Sam Brearey in tretja Tom Gillard in Simon Potts. Najbolje uvrščena slovenska posadka, Hinko Golias in Aleš Smokvina, se je uvrstila na 13. mesto med 57 posadkami.

Vabljeni k ogledu fotografij v picasa albumu.
Celotni rezultati bodo objavljeni v rubriki Rezultati.

It’s been a long and exciting first day of the Fireball Europeans here in Portorož! Morning thunderstorms didn’t look promising, but we didn’t give up, hoped for the best, enjoyed the rain, pasta&beer and here it was, time to go sailing. Obviously the sailors were really eager to start this championship asap, so big part of the fleet was across the starting line at first attempt. The black flag was there for the second attempt of the first (and only) today’s start, but there were still too many boats across to find a start valid. Same-same for the third attempt – and a clear one in fourth, unfortunately with two BFDs – Slovenian 14861 Flis-Jurič and ITA 14497 Spinelli-Biasotti. In nice N-NE breeze of 10-12 knots on the start line and dying during the regatta, GBR Matt Burge&Richard Wagstaff found the fastest way across the racing field, followed by GBR Christian Birrell & Sam Brearey and GBR Tom Gillard & Simon Potts. The best Slovenians were Hinko Golias & Aleš Smokvina on 13th among 57 crews.

Don’t miss the photos, posted on picasa.
Results will be posted in Results folder soon.
