
Prvi dan evropskega prvenstva v dežju

Fireball Europeans, rainy day one

Dva sončna, topla dneva sta za nami in ekipe so imele odlične pogoje za vse predregatne aktivnosti – pripravo jadrnic, meritve in treninge na vodi. Po včerajšnji otvoritveni slovesnosti, ko smo evropsko prvenstvo razreda Fireball tudi uradno odprli, gre danes zares, z napovedanimi prvimi tremi regatami, pa nam jo je žal zagodlo vreme. Kot je na jutranjem skipper’s meetingu povedal meteorolog Jure Jerman, se prav nad nami “bojujeta” burja in jugo, burja naj bi se sicer počasi umaknila nad Italijo, jugo pa zapihal z močjo dobrih desetih vozlov. Ravno ko je napovedal nevihte, se je močno ulilo in še vedno dežuje. Razobešen je kodeks in zaenkrat vsi skupaj nestrpno čakamo, da dež poneha in da odrinemo na vodo ter odjadramo vsaj kakšen plov.

After two beautiful, warm sunny days of measurements and registrations and a lovely opening ceremony yesterday evening, here it is, day one of actual racing. Unfortunately the sky above Portorož is overcasted, with some thunderstorms on the way. As Jure Jerman, Slovenian meteorologist with planty of experience in meteo routings (different Transats, Volvo Ocean Race, Fastnet, Middle Sea Race …) has put it in the morning skipper’s briefing – »wild changes of wind directions are expected today; the NE »bora« wind is fighting with S-SE »jugo« just above Portorož area – and thunderstorms as cherries on the cake are expected.« Not long after his prediction heavy rain would make us wet, but luckily we’re all here at Laguna restaurant having coffees and making friends.
AP is up till further notice.
