
Zahvala centra CIRIUS

Thank You Note from CIRIUS

Tanja Princes, zavod CIRIUS:
“Skupina učencev iz Centra za izobraževanje, usposabljanje in rehabilitacijo (CIRIUS) Vipava se bo tudi letos udeležila socialno pedagoškega projekta Mirnomore. Projekt poteka od leta 1993. Pod enotno zastavo miru bodo na 105 jadrnicah pluli otroci in mladostnik i iz enajstih držav: Avstrije, Nemčije, Slovaške, Moldavije, Romunije, Hrvaške, Bosne, Srbije, Kosova , Italije in Slovenije.
Namen projekta je v prvi vrsti ponuditi otrokom z različnimi težavami doživetje vetra v jadrih, obenem pa razvijati socialno pedagoške cilje kot so navajanje na življenje v skupnosti, prilagajanje novim situacijam, premagovanje strahov, toleranca in spoštovanje drugačnosti.
Iz treh marin v srednji Dalmaciji bo 14. Septembra izplula slovenska flota 12 jadrnic. Teden dni na jadrnici bo za udeležence nepozabna izkušnja.
Da se bo lahko projekta udeležil tudi CIRIUS Vipava, so zaslužni naši prijatelji, ki nam že drugič finančno pomagajo. Hvala, Mitja in ekipa!
Veliko uspeha pri organizaciji svetovnega prvenstva!
Aleks, Aleksander, Ema, Katarina in Tanja”







Tanja Princes – CIRIUS (Centre for education, rehabilitation and training Vipava):
“Also in 2013 a group of pupils from Centre for education, rehabilitation and training Vipava (CIRIUS – www.center-jpv.si) is taking part in project Mirnomore (www.mirnomore.org). This international project was launched in 1993. This autumn 105 sailboats from 11 countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Moldavia, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Italy, Kosovo and Slovenia) will sail under the same flag – a flag of peace.
The main goal of this project is gathering children with different handicaps under the sails and at the same time introducing them to a life in a small comunity, introducing them to unknown situations, helping them facing their fears and most of all developing tolerance and respect for being different.
Slovene fleet of 12 sailboats will set their sails in 3 Dalmatian Marinas on September 14. A week on a sailboat will make for all these special sailors an unforgettable experience.
However, taking part in this project is linked to financial input and we are here expressing a big THANK YOU to Mitja and the rest of the team GoSAILING – this is a second time they are helping our special children and youngsters to sail under a flag of peace.
We wish you the best of luck with your championships,
Aleks, Aleksander, Ema, Katarina and Tanja”
