
Do izteka Early Bird-a še 4 dni!

4 days remaining till Early Bird Deadline! (scroll down for ENG)

Hangar se polni, zato pohitite in se prijavite! Z včerajšnjim dnem smo zabeležili že 32 prijav, od tega le 6 slovenskih.
Dajmo naši 🙂
Lista prijavljenih bo objavljena na 2. april in od takrat dalje tudi redno posodabljana.
Lep pozdrav,

Dear sailors,
there is not much time left to catch the Early Bird Entry deadline, which is March 31. So far we have received 32 entries and more are arriving every day.
On April 2, Entry list will be published and from than on also updated.
Enter the Championship and get a nice dry and cool parking place for your sailboat.
Kind regards,
