
Napeto pred jutrišnjim zaključkom

Excitement ahead of tomorrow’s final races

Danes smo se v Portorožu zbudili v še en topel in sončen dan, ki pa spet ni bil radodaren z vetrom. Start prve današnje in skupaj sedme regate je bil najprej preložen za eno uro, ob enih pa je regatni odbor floto poklical na vodo. Polje so tokrat postavili nekoliko bližje piranski punti, a smo vseeno morali na veter počakati skoraj do pol treh popoldne. Jugozahodnik je zapihal z močjo čez 12 vozlov in prvi start je bil ponovljen, saj je preveč jadralcev prehitro prečkalo startno linijo. V drugo in na črno zastavo je bil start uspešen, jadralci, ki so se odločili za levo stran regatnega polja pa so dobivali več in nekoliko močnejši veter. Druga regata se je odvila v nekoliko blažjem vetru in tudi tokrat se je bilo bolje držati leve strani polja.
Kar šest različnih angleških ekip je danes v cilj prijadralo med prvimi tremi: Christian Birrell in Sam Brearey sta zmagala v prvi regati, Tom Gillard in Simon Potts sta bila druga in Matt Burge ter Richard Wagstaff tretja. Nathan Batchelor in James Clark sta zmagala v drugi pred Timom Rushem in Danom Ellisom, Chips Howarth in Vyv Townend pa sta bila tretja.
Pred jutrišnjim zadnjim dnem tega svetovnega prvenstva sta v vodstvu Tom Gillard in Simon Potts s 25 točkami, Christian Birrell in Sam Brearey sta skupno druga s 27 in Matt Burge in Richard Wagstaff tretja s 34 točkami. Če bodo jutrišnji vetrni pogoji omogočili izpeljavo vsaj ene regate, se bosta odbijala dva najslabša rezultata in marsikaj se še lahko spremeni.

Neuradni rezultati so že objavljeni na našem facebook profilu.

It was another beautiful, sunny and warm day here in Portorož today, just the wind kept us waiting again. Our race officer Tonko postponed the start for an hour at first, and at 1pm the fleet was called on water. Although a light breeze could be felt inside the bay, he decided to go for a safer option and invited the sailors to follow him in front of the old medieval town Piran. A really nice scenery for taking photos, but unfortunately not that good for sailing – at least not until around 2.30 pm, when SW picked up suddenly with more than 12 knots. The fleet was already eager to race – and even too eager. The general recall and a black flag set the standards for the second successful attempt. It was the left side of the racing field that helped the sailors reach the top mark as first, and most of the leading pack of British sailors picked the right side. The second race followed soon after, with a clear start and the wind, dropping through the race. They were six different British crews that secured first three positions in today’s races: Christian Birrell and Sam Brearey finished first in the first race, Tom Gillard and Simon Potts were second and Matt Burge and Richard Wagstaff third. Nathan Batchelor and James Clark were the winners of the second today’s race in front of Tim Rush and Dan Ellis, Chips Howarth and Vyv Townend were third.
Before tomorrow’s last day of this Worlds with, hopefully, at least one more race to go, Tom Gillard and Simon Potts still hold the top position with 25 points, Christian Birrell and Sam Brearey moved to second with 27 and Matt Burge and Richard Wagstaff are on third with 34. If at least one race will be sailed tomorrow, the two discards will apply, and a lot can still change.

The unofficial results are already posted on GoSailing facebook page.